All-On-4 Dental Implants

Raymond Liu, DDS has something amazing to share with you. It's a process called All-on-4®. Have you ever met or seen on TV an older person who has loose dentures in their mouth? They lose their teeth and can't remember where they placed them, or you see the cup of water next to their bedside with the false teeth resting in the cup? Does this scare you? Is this something you dread for your future?

Well, dentistry has been making large leaps forward, and we can help. All-on-4 is the process of using four dental implants to permanently anchor your dentures to your arch. No need for adhesives, no need to alter what you are eating, and your false teeth are set firmly into place and will remain there permanently.


All-on-4 begins with four dental implants. A dental implant is a titanium device that resembles a screw, Dr. Liu surgically inserts this device directly into your jawbone which serves as a post. With time, your bone tissue will fuse with this device through a process called osseointegration. With four of the posts implanted, you will have a strong firm setup for a denture to be permanently attached. You can walk into our office with no healthy teeth, and leave with a full mouth of beautiful healthy, false, teeth and can still eat a cob of corn.


All-on-4 gives you freedom that traditional dentures don't. You will not have loose teeth in your mouth, you will not have to alter your eating habits, and you can eat what you want, when and where you want. Full dentures are often a painful last resort for patients. It is a change of lifestyle and is always on your mind. Dentures cause embarrassment; they have to be cared for, and they are a constant reminder of having no teeth. Additionally, when you are not wearing them, your facial structure changes, giving you an older appearance. All-on-4 changes all of that. You will feel like you have a whole set of new teeth again; they are firmly placed and will never come out.

Contact our Edmonds, WA office today at (425) 771-2100 for more information on All-on-4 and other advanced dentistry services. We can help you take a look at your insurance and see how we can make this an affordable option for you.