Digital X-rays


If you need oral surgery, x-rays are often a crucial part of treatment planning. At Dr Liu Family Dental, we offer digital X-rays, which have several advantages over traditional film methods. From lower radiation levels to better image quality, digital X-rays are one of the best ways to diagnose and treat underlying oral health problems.


Digital X-rays are used in dentistry for a variety of reasons, some of which include:

  • Diagnosing cavities

  • Diagnosing issues with your tooth roots

  • Diagnosing periodontal disease and its effects on your jaw

  • Check the status of your supportive bone for implant treatment

  • Check the status of developing or impacted teeth• Monitor your oral health and prevent major complications

As surgical specialists, we primarily use digital X-rays to determine the precise placement of dental implants. X-rays can be a useful tool for other surgical procedures as well, such as tooth extractions and bone grafting. We may also order X-rays to determine the extent of your facial trauma or treatment plan for a full mouth reconstruction.


The most common x-ray in dentistry is known as an intraoral x-ray. Types of intraoral X-rays include:

  • Bite-Wing: This type of X-ray is used to highlight the crowns of your back teeth, like the molars and premolars.

  • Periapical: This type of X-ray is used to highlight one or two teeth in their entirety, including the crown and root.

  • Occlusal: This type of x-ray is used to highlight tooth development in children and shows nearly all of the teeth in either the upper or lower arch.

For certain surgical procedures, we may also recommend a special type of x-ray known as cone beam computed tomography, or CBCT. CBCT scans provide three-dimensional images of your teeth, gums, soft tissues, and underlying bone within a single scan. This type of x-ray is particularly useful for dental implant placement.


Raymond Liu DDS utilizes digital X-rays due to their many advantages over traditional film ones. Some of these advantages include:

  • Minimal Radiation: Our digital equipment exposes patients to much less radiation than previous x-ray machines. While conventional X-rays are still safe, digital ones may be the best option for people who need them regularly.

  • Higher Quality Images: Digital X-rays can be enhanced, manipulated, and magnified to diagnose smaller instances of decay, deterioration, and fracturing.

  • Faster Appointments: Digital X-rays result in a shorter dental appointment. Unlike traditional film X-rays, the images develop almost instantly! We no longer have to wait for film to develop. If an image comes out blurry, we can retake it right then and there.

  • Easy Transfer: Digital X-rays are easy to transfer to your general dentist and other specialists electronically. In the past, we had to mail film X-rays to other doctors.

  • Environmentally Friendly: Due to the digital nature of these X-rays, they are better for the environment. Film X-rays require a chemical development process that requires proper waste disposal. Digital X-rays are chemical-free and stored digitally.


If you would like to learn more about digital X-rays, or any of our other advanced technologies, we are happy to help. Call (425) 771-2100 to schedule your consultation today!