Preventive Dentistry

Personal care with a good daily routine at home should be your first step in Dental Care.

Preventive care allows us to prevent problems before we have to treat them. This saves you time, money, pain, and other issues that can come as a result. Dr. Liu recommends all of his patients, both children and adults, see our hygienist for a teeth cleaning and dental exam twice a year for optimal dental health. Some patients may need to be seen more frequently. We can help you learn and complete many simple steps to help ensure your smile stays healthy and strong for years to come.

At Dr. Liu's Family Dentistry, we offer many great preventive care services for our patients. Some of our general dentistry procedures are as follows.

Deep Cleaning

The most effective defense against gum disease, Deep Cleaning, clear infection that has set in below the gum line.

Dental Examinations

We use Dental exams to examine the overall health of your mouth.

Digital X-Rays

Dental X-rays are our best diagnostic tool, they allow us to see things that are hidden.

Gum Disease

Are your teeth bleeding when you brush or floss? This is not normal. We can help.

Oral Cancer Screening

Part of your biannual dental exam, oral cancer screenings are a preventive measure screening for any abnormalities.

Dental Sealants

Sealants are a simple way to significantly reduce the number of cavities in children and adults.

Digital Scanner 

The 3Shape Digital Scanner is an advanced tool that enhances the precision and comfort of dental treatments for both children and adults.

Please contact us at (425) 771-2100 if you have any questions about our services.